Salon Exhibitors

COLLECTIBLE SALON reflects the different sections at the fair. Our MAIN section features emerging and established galleries showcasing a carefully curated selection of pieces at the confluence of design, architecture and art. Our BESPOKE Section, dedicated to commissioned works, explores unusual and innovative materials – high-tech, bio-material, recycled material or special hand-made artisanal techniques. Dedicated to emerging and mid-career independent designers and design studios, the CURATED section is a space for radical experimentation and discovery. The ARCHITECT <=> DESIGNER section is a new platform solely dedicated to architects and interior designers who wish to showcase furniture they have recently developed. The NEW GARDE section brings the plethora of new galleries, design studios or collective dedicated to contemporary design emerging across the world together. The DIALOGUE section provides a new look at the dialogue historical pieces from the turn of the century and contemporary design. Select the section below you want to explore.