Teresa Berger


At COLLECTIBLE 2024, Teresa Berger presents "Tactile Red," a vase that delves into the intimate connection between touch and emotions. Crafted with clay and glaze, each dot meticulously applied by hand enhances the organic interaction between materials. The raised dots and flowing glaze on the vase's surface evoke sensations of touch and provoke contemplation on human connections. "Tactile Red" serves as a tangible expression of love, transcending verbal communication and offering a profound representation of the human experience. Berger's exploration of tactile ceramic surfaces redefines design as a language of both sight and touch, celebrating love's multifaceted expressions.

Teresa Berger, an interdisciplinary designer from Vienna, Austria, graduated from Design Academy Eindhoven in the Netherlands. After working with international design studios, she founded her studio in early 2020. Berger's primary medium is clay, crafting functional objects that bridge art and design, abstraction and function. Inspired by nature, her creations blend form, texture, and color, captivating the senses with elegance.