Cuatro Cuatros


The "4E" coffee table by Cuatro Cuatros is a poetic interpretation of love's binding force, inspired by the tradition of love locks. Each padlock represents a unique story and unbreakable connection. This contemporary design elevates the ordinary into the extraordinary, serving as a tangible reminder of the remarkable creative expressions inspired by love.

Cuatro Cuatros, founded in 2010 by Adrián M. Almonacid in Valencia, Spain, is a design practice that merges concept and poetics to explore the boundaries between function and form. With a playful yet research-driven approach, they unveil the extraordinary hidden within the ordinary, creating innovative and functional designs for both production and collectible design.

  • Address
  • 19, 21 C/ de l'Arquebisbe Fabián i Fuero
  • 46009 Valencia, Spain