Cédric Etienne


Cédric Etienne, an interior architect, understands the challenges of living in a fast paced society in which the speed of data overloads our lives where more and more is happening in a shorter time. In response, he is dedicated to creating immersive narratives that engage our senses and inspire us connect with stillness. Born in Belgium in 1980, Cédric pursued interior architecture at the Faydherbe Academy in Mechelen / Belgium and completed his master's degree at Politecnico di Milano in Italy.

Cédric Etienne presents the monk chair and side table in the OUTDOOR project curated by Bas Smets & Eliane Leroux. The presented works are sculptural objects to be used as functional artwork. Offering functionality thanks to its resiliency and stiffness, the archetypes suggest a sensation of grounding and stillness. Their construction has been inspired from Japanese joinery. Sourced and crafted from burnt cork, the designs finds its uniqueness in the sensorial patina. reflection, the lamp creates a crescent moon with its lighting, materialising the surface of the brass disc through the light. This light reveals microscopic flaws, invisible to the naked eye but very much present. It acts like a magnifying glass on the visible surface, allowing us to reconsider our relationship with the world.